Back Care for Home & Office Workers: Standing Forward Bend


This video contains a sequence of postures that are specifically designed to decompress your spine and alleviate your back pain while in the comfort of your office or at home.

These postures are simple yet very effective. You can do this standing forward bend almost anywhere, in the grocery store, in the coffee shop, out on the sidewalk, in the subway, on a plain, in a train, in the rain even if you are insane with a cane. You can do standing forward bend on a boat, on a flood with a goat in a mote even if you didn’t vote. 

But wait! There is more! Since we are grateful for your generosity in purchasing our video, please enjoy this second video as a bonus for your purchase. This second video illustrates what happens in your back and spine when you sit or stand for a prolong period of time, and how to alleviate your back pain.

