
Back To Balance

Back to Balance is an online class that is focused on cultivating physical balance, so that you don’t lose your balance and fall.
The second focus of this class is Back Therapy, which are yoga postures that are specific to improving back and spine health. Hence the name “Back to Balance”
The balancing exercises demand focused attention, coordination, and the integration of sensory information from various body systems like proprioception (where your body parts are in space), vision (eyes), and the vestibular (inner ear) system. Such demands trigger the brain to establish and strengthen neural connections, fostering enhanced communication between different parts of your brain. Hence improving brain function and cognitive ability.
We measure participant’s balance in order to monitor progress in each weekly session.
1 minute Back to Balance™
1 minute one legged balance
Sensory Depravation Tight-Rope Balancing Protocol

What Our Client Francis Says

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