
Back Care World is a multifaceted resource for people suffering from mild to severe back pain. We use Inversion Therapy to stretch, lengthens and decompress your spine to alleviate back pain. See videos below.
We offer back care books, videos, courses, coaching, instructor training and more.

About Lee Downer

Lee Downer is the founder of Back Care World and Danglefit Inversion Yoga. For 27-years Lee lived with severe low back pain. Now he lives pain free.
Lee Downer is the award winning author of the book on back care, entitled “No Pain, Your Gain”  and the e-book “The Shocking Truth about Back Pain”. He is also the founder and creator of Danglefit Inversion Yoga which is back care, brain care, fitness, fun and games. But it wasn’t always fun and games for Lee. For 27 years Lee has lived with severe low back pain caused by a herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. But for the past 18 years he has had absolutely no back pain. He has had almost every treatment that one can think of, for low back pain. None of these treatments were able to help him eliminate his back pain. His back pain was so bad that the simple task of rolling over from his back to his side on his bed, would take him 4 to 5 minutes, this is a task that would take most people seconds.
But now he trains, coaches and mentors others on how to alleviate and eliminate their back pain.
Danglafit therapy during class - Back Care World
Class section for back pain relief- Back Pain World

Just a little bit more about Lee Downer

About Back Care World Mentorship Program

This is a 12-month long mentoring program that focuses on caring for your back and spine, whether you are a truck driver, an office worker, a golfer, retired, or just a member of the general public looking to improve the health of your spine.
You will meet once per month for 60-minutes via video call, where Back Care World’s, Lee Downer, will educate you and take you through exercises that are specific to alleviate back pain and make your back and spine healthy.
If you are plagued with back pain this is the program for you. At the end of this 1-year program you will know exactly what is causing your back pain, how to alleviate and eliminate it. If you don’t have back pain, you will learn how to avoid it.

About Danglefit

Danglefit is a new perspective on fitness and health. It is the new way of doing exercise, (upside down). Danglefit is Brain care, Back care, fitness, fun and games.

The Problem
One of the three main causes of back pain is spinal compression. Spinal compression is caused by prolonged sitting and prolonged standing. When the spine is compressed it may cause the spinal disc to bulge out from under the spinal column and puts pressure on surrounding spinal nerves causing pain.
The Solution

By inverting the body in a very gentle and progressive manner, we allow the spine to gently elongate and decompress. As the spine decompresses, (gets longer), it creates space between the vertebrae. The spine then acts like a suction cup or a vacuum and draws the herniated disc (or bulging disc) back under the spinal column and removes pressure from the surrounding spinal nerve and alleviates the back pain.Could this be an antidote for aging people who are getting shorter with age? Hmm!


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