

Upcoming Events

1. Back to Balance™ Partner Yoga

An event of pure fun and play

Top 5 benefits of partner yoga:


1. Deepen Connections: Partner yoga enhances emotional and physical connection, building trust and strengthening relationships—perfect for couples, friends, or family.


2. Improved Communication: Through synchronized movements and breathing, participants learn non-verbal communication, which can improve understanding and cooperation.


3. Enhanced Balance and Support: Working with a partner encourages physical balance and alignment, leading to improved posture, core strength, and body awareness.


4. Fun and Playful: The interactive nature of partner yoga brings a sense of play, joy, and fun, making it a lighthearted way to exercise and bond.


5. Stress Relief Together: The calming aspects of yoga, such as breathing and stretching, help reduce stress. Practicing with a partner can amplify the relaxation and provide shared moments of peace.

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2. Danglefit Inversion Yoga Webinar

You have nagging, irritating back pain issues that won’t go away. Your body knows how to hear itself. It wants to heal itself, but you won’t give it what it needs to unlock it’s healing powers. This webinar will teach you how to unlock your healing powers within. It is the future of healing.
What you will learn:

Danglefit® Webinar

with Lee Downer Founder and Creator of Danglefit Inversion Yoga

Lee Downer, Award Winning Author of the books “No Pain Your Gain” and “The Shocking Truth about Back Pain”
Founder of Back Care World - Back Care World
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